Friday, December 07, 2007

Kirby Heyborne

Okay so some of you know who Kirby is but for those who don't he is a funny mormon actor who has been in some mormon themed comedys (The RM, Singles Ward, Saints and Soldiers). I just love his sense of humor and have followed him for a few years. He also sings folk/country/whatever type music.

I got an email from somewhere and I can't even remember now but It said he would be at this show that is aired here in Salt Lake called Good Day Utah. He was scheduled to make an appearance and sing. He also gave away some DVD's of his new film Singles Ward 2 but alas I didn't get one.

We had so much fun! It was great. We had to clap on cue and we also were part of games and drawings. I ended up with a free gift card for a facial, manicure, pedicure and lunch for some place in American Fork. We also got Kirbys Christmas CD for free. It was great!!! Here are some pictures:

1 comment:

Annakaisa said...

Wow! That is SO cool! I liked him too in RM and Singles Ward and thought he was cute and funny. So neat that you got to meet him in person! :)